Promises Made But Not Kept By Environmental Activist Groups

(first published August 2020) In the middle of a depression, it is sad to see some folks still all too eager to deny others getting decent jobs. Anti jobs, anti local community, anti essential services (whose jobs are significantly paid with tax revenue from local businesses). And should the coalition of Catskill Mountainkeeper, Woodstock Land Conservancy, and Open Space Institute prevail in stopping the planned 850 Route 28 project, they will 'gleefully' 'own' their reputation as job-and-revenue killers, and be even more emboldened to continue their business-hostile campaign unabated. These groups have promised that 'only-a-green-passive-recreation' approach to business in the 4 county Catskill region is 'permissible' in their view. But they haven't produced nearly the jobs promised over the last 10 years - a meager 2,000 PART TIME/SEASONAL, and some full time, jobs in the Catskills exist that are remotely related to recreation/hospitality, as per...