Please, let the Town of Kingston Planning Board know you support this proposed project with its good paying local jobs, added tax revenue, reclamation of an abandoned mine, and new economic vitality for the Town of Kingston.
To attend the online PUBLIC HEARING June 21st at 7pm:
To join the conference by phone/cell:
1. Call: 1-408-418-9388
2. Listen to the prompts, when it asks for the access code enter: 132 981 8139
3. When it asks for the password enter: 5678
4. This should get you into the call, if you have difficulty please hang up and try again.
6. Throughout the meeting if you are thrown off the line, you will be able to re-enter by following steps 1-3.
To join the meeting by computer:
7. You may also sign in via Members of the public will be required to keep their cameras turned off.
Join by meeting number |
Meeting number (access code): 132 981 8139 |
Meeting password: 5678
The meeting will be recorded and will be a public record. Therefore, we have some guidelines to provide a
clear, and easy to understand recording and transcription of the meeting.
• When you call in please put yourself on mute so that there is no background noise. You will continue on
mute by the moderator until you are recognized to speak.
• Prior to the start of the meeting, the moderator will attempt to collect the names of all members of the
public that have called in, so that they can be addressed by name when it is time to speak.
• The meeting will follow the following structure:
1. The Chairperson opens the meeting
2. The Chairperson takes attendance of Board members
3. The Chairperson leads the pledge of allegiance
4. The Chairperson has the moderator read the public hearing notice
5. The Chairperson addresses the applicant and their representative, and asks for a brief
presentation regarding their application
6. The Applicant and representative briefly summarizes their application
7. The Chairperson will provide his comments/questions, and ask each Board Member for any
comments/questions, allowing for a dialogue between the Board and the Applicant
8. The Planning Board attorney will provide a brief synopsis of SEQRA and the guidelines for the
public hearing
9. The public hearing is then opened and the Chairperson will address the public and ask if anyone
would like to speak on the application.
10. Each member of the public will wait to be addressed by name, and when they are recognized for
their turn to speak, they will be unmuted by the moderator.
11. The public will be able to provide comment one at a time. Depending on the number of persons
wanting to speak, it may be determined to provide a time limitation on each speaker.
12. Neither the Board nor Applicant will be answering/responding to questions from the public. This
is an opportunity to provide comments to the Board for its consideration.
13. The Chairperson will close the public hearing, with the public no longer having the right to provide
verbal commentary on the application. Written comments will be allowed until close of business
July 2, 2021. All mail/email must be postmarked by that date.
14. The meeting will be adjourned.
• Please be respectful, and patient with this process. The Chairman, Attorney or moderator will weigh in
and correct, mute or expel any member of the public not following these guidelines.
Support 850 Route 28 project by signing the online petition at:
Let your voice be heard!
850 Route 28 project will be:
· A maker of innovative concrete-and-steel materials for local roads and bridges;
· A creator of an anticipated 60+ well-paid local jobs;
· A contributor of an expected $363,000 a year in local tax revenue (almost 10% increase to Town of Kingston annual budget to help fund police, fire department, roads, teachers, more);
· A sustainable, green operation with solar energy, rain capture, use of crushed recycled glass, LED lighting, and much more.
850 Route 28 project WILL NOT BE:
· A cement plant or smoke stack operation.
· A big water user - at peak times the equivalent of 9 homes, supplemented by rooftop rainwater capture.
· A polluter of surrounding watersheds – all stormwater will be collected and filtered, with none entering into Pickerel Pond or Onteora Lake - an improvement over current conditions.
· A source of toxins or toxic byproduct – there will be NO toxins or toxic byproducts on site - the only materials to be used for fabrication are rock, water, cement (brought in, not made on site), sand, recycled crushed glass (brought in), and steel parts (brought in, not made on site). There will be no fuel storage on the site.
· Situated on the banks of Onteora Lake – the site will be inside a former open rock quarry and outside of the Onteora and Pickerel Pond watersheds.
· Harmful to the environment - we have made significant efforts in planning to incorporate many environmental precautions, working with NYS DEC, DOT, and SHPO.
· A significant contributor to traffic on Route 28 - the approximate additional daily number of vehicles entering/exiting onto Route 28 will be 121 once up and running. This location along Route 28 currently receives 15,000 vehicles daily, thus the addition to traffic will represent .008% of total traffic.
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